Suncoast Express

Suncoast Express

Fast, Reliable Freight Services for Tasmania & Victoria

Contact details

Lot 12 “Industrial Estate” Tully St St Helens TAS 7216
Email Suncoast Express
03 6339 4900
Visit Suncoast Express

Suncoast Express has been operating throughout Tasmania since 1980 as a daily parcel and general freight transporter. Today we operate a daily trans-bass transport system allowing businesses and individuals to ship products to where they need them, faster.

Along with a daily parcel and pallet service we also operate crane trucks for delivery of specialised freight, tipping skels for flowable products, sideloaders to place containers onto the ground, drop decks for OOG products, mezzanine tautliners for high efficient transport and tilt trays.
Suncoast’s warehouse service in Melbourne and Launceston allows for business to store and distribute to end customers through the movement of freight in the most efficient way possible.